With the rapid liberalization of trade and economy regulators have to set up ground rules for competition to safeguard consumer and business interests in compliance to international laws and treatises. Bangladesh is a member of World Trade Organization (WTO) and more specifically signatory to The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994. These make the country to develop its regulatory regime towards a competition regulated playground conforming the underlying rules and regulations of WTO. Bangladesh has enacted a Consumer Protection Act, 2009 followed by the Competition Act, 2012.

Antitrust issues are increasingly complex and critical to the success of business. At Doulah & Doulah we offer clear, strategic and commercially aware advice on a broad-range of local and multi-jurisdictional antitrust matters. The firm offers market leading practices in the areas of M&A and undertakes its antitrust aspects.
The firm maintains a very large clientele in the competition and antitrust arena including Microsoft, Samsung, Tetra-Pack, Mitsubishi, LG, Moneygram, ZTE, HP, Associated British Foods, Toyota, Amazon, Google, Grameenphone, ZTE, AT&T, Virgin, YKK etc.
Recently the firm advised G6 (Hapag-Lloyd, OOCL, HMM, APL, NYK and MOL) Alliance on competition aspects of structuring its business under a joint procurement under Block Exemption Order. The firm frequently advises on procurement related issues and unfair handling of procuring tenders. Clients include ABB, LG etc.
Experience in Cross-border Anti-Dumping Suits
- Anti-Dumping Suit for Shrimp: Worked in one of the biggest anti-dumping lawsuits in United States with respect to export of shrimps to USA and possible dumping strategy applied by a number of countries.
- Anti-Dumping Suit for Catfish: Worked in one of the biggest anti-dumping lawsuits in United States with respect to export of shrimps to USA and possible dumping strategy applied by a number of countries.